February 16, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius As I write this reflection, it is February 1, 2025. It is the 62nd anniversary of the death of my grandfather, on February 1, 1963. For me it is a day that will live in infamy, never to be forgotten. He was a man tall in stature, wise in the world, and one who had, to me at least, no faults. Although, I do remember him going to the pool hall to play cards with his friends😊 But, this was his most important quality. He loved Jesus. He is living proof that a testimony about Jesus given during life, lives beyond death. I give him credit for speaking the blessing of ministry into my life. At about 11 years of age, he said to me, “If you become a pastor, I will buy you a gold watch.” Over 60 years later, I remember well the words he spoke into my life so long ago. Obviously, his words spoke louder into my life than any gold watch ever could. On the morning of his death, while in school, I heard the church bell toll. Instantly, I knew that the sound of the toll was to honor him. I still could recite to you every detail of the day of his funeral, from sobbing through the old hymn How Great Thou Art (whenever I sing that song even today, a tear comes to my eye), to the teardrop that fell on his lapel from my eye as I said my final goodbye, to wondering why we were leaving him all alone in the cold at the cemetery, while we drove away. There are men and women in your life that leave a lasting impression upon those whom they touch. My grandfather was such a man. Probably, a bigger man today in my memory, than the day he died. Because he loved the Lord, I love the Lord. My prayer today is that I could be such a man for my grandsons…for you. As the end of my life draws near, one of the many joys of entering heaven will be the homecoming, the family reunion I celebrate with Jesus and that great cloud of witnesses of family and friends that have gone before me. If you come there after me, you will find my grandpa, and the rest of my family and friends, bowing at the feet of Jesus. It is there you will find me too. Love in Christ, Pastor Allan ©2025 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved
February 9, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Sometimes it is fun to think of something weird, something that stretches my recollection and my imagination. Whenever I do this in a spontaneous manner, sometimes it causes people to laugh. At times, what I say is bizarre. After one of my quips, one of my friends often says of me, “He's not quite right.” I am perfectly fine with that compliment. Why? Because I like to keep people guessing and smiling😊 There are two momentous events in everyone's life, birth and death. The first, no one can remember, and the last, no one lives to talk about. But, isn't it the story that lies between each of these events, that really matters? The dash on the tombstone between date of birth and date of death screams out, “I was here! Remember me!” That is part of the reason I write these reflections. So that you, and my children and grandchildren, might remember that I was here after I'm gone. My prayer is that by my living, and later by my writings, you and they might remember my life. And if along the way, I bring a smile to your face, I'm happy! 😊 But more importantly, if I bring salvation in Jesus Christ to your household, well then, I'm ecstatic! It is then that the dash on my tombstone will have real meaning. Whoa! That is way too serious. As to my first recollection, my first retained memory in life, it is at the age of four. You see, I started kindergarten when I was four. One day, Mom dressed me up as a pumpkin in flammable orange crepe paper for my kindergarten Halloween party. We lived in the country and as I boarded the bus, I'm sure there was giggling from the older kids at the back of the bus. There may have been some heckling, but that was not my major concern. The bus driver was a smoker, and as he flicked the ash off his cigarette, my worry was that a spark off his cigarette, would ignite me into a burning pumpkin. Picture it. If that should have happened, the only thing that the dash on my tombstone may have meant was that he went out as a flaming pumpkin😊 Of course, like everyone else, I won't be able to tell you of my last memory on earth. However, even now as I live, I can tell you about my first memory in heaven. It will be seeing Jesus face to face for the very first time and hearing Him say to me, “Well done good and faithful servant. Welcome home!” Now, if I could only remember who I am...Oh yes. See what I mean? I like to keep you guessing and smiling. Pastor Allan ©2025 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved February 2, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Right now, as I write this reflection, the wind chill is about -20°. I really don't know why they came up with wind chill factor. After a certain point, it just can't get any colder. By the way, do you know the difference between being hot and being cold? Hot is uncomfortable, cold hurts. As long as it's winter and I'm thinking of it, let me tell you about a few of my snow adventures.
Life is the same way; you need to be prepared for whatever comes your way. It doesn't hurt to have a corn scoop along with you😊 Pastor Allan 2025 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved January 26, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius My friend is dying of a debilitating lung disease. He lives in Simi Valley, California. So, recently, Armona and I flew out there to see he and his wife. Understand that his disease has confined him to bed and he is pretty immobile. Not only that, he is on oxygen 24/7. He’s able to talk and we had a wonderful visit about times gone by, family, and best of all, God. As we flew out there, this was my thought. “What if there’s an earthquake while we are there?” Day one, was uneventful…until evening. No earthquake, but the Santa Ana wind began to blow and like the wolf in the three little pigs fairy tale, I thought it would blow the house down. The next morning, we awoke to the news of the terrible fire storm only miles away. Unimaginable! But to continue, the electric company shut off the electricity. By God’s grace, my friend had a generator to run his oxygen machine. Off to the gas station we went for gas to fire up the generator. Try to find a gas station at night when there is no electricity. Then, once procured, we’re up at 3:00 AM to fill the generator. There’s a whole memorable story about that experience without electricity. But one of my funniest lines—according to Armona—was saying to my friend, “If I had to spend 4 miserable days with someone, I’m glad it was you!” My friend is a collector of antique bullet pencils. If you don’t know what they are, they are a pencil that looks like a bullet. Every farmer used to carry them in their bib overalls. So, on the last night that we were together, my friend said, “Take a couple of these bullet pencils to remember me.” I put two in my jacket and hugged him with a “Love you and see you later.” (I never say good-bye.) Then….I cried. Now we’re at the airport. TSA scans my jacket, which is in a bucket. Instead of it coming through, as did our other carry-on items, ZING, my jacket is whisked away to the other side of the security area. I knew right away, I was in trouble. The TSA guy searched my coat and pulled out what he thought were bullets, I texted my friend this message. “O.K.---the bullet pencils got me pulled over at TSA. The officer had never seen a bullet pencil before. I said, ‘I hadn’t either but my friend gave them to me.’ The police should be at your house soon.” 😊 Here's my advice, don’t take a bullet pencil to the airport and always say, “See you later when leaving a dying friend.” I know, I’ll see my friend again at the throne of Jesus. See you later…. Pastor Allan ©2025 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved January 19, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Since I broke my wrist, it has been very difficult for me to write. There is a pain in my ulnar nerve that precludes me from having legible penmanship. Although, Armona would tell you that my penmanship wasn't that legible before I broke my wrist. 😊 Prior to October 22, 2024, at 9:32 AM, I would always “long hand” my sermon manuscripts and other writings. In order to continue my musings and writings, I am now forced to improvise and do something new. I have since learned to dictate my thoughts using Microsoft 365. Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes says, “… there is nothing new under the sun.” Well, this new mode of communication is something very new to me. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. I've also learned to use my left hand for things I never believed possible. As a matter of fact, now what I used to do habitually with my right hand, I now do with ease with my left hand...except write. One of the things that I've learned through this period of healing is to be more sympathetic and understanding of people with physical disabilities. What used to take only minutes to accomplish, with a disability, a simple task becomes a time-consuming challenge. Even the simple tasks of tying your shoelaces, or buttoning your shirt is a challenge that many disabled people face daily. Yes-sir-ree, an unexpected fall can certainly change your life in a hurry. I've come to learn the meaning of the old phrase, “The sun don't shine on the same dog’s rump every day.” (For those of you who are scratching your head on that grammar, I know the word “don't” is improper use of the King's language. Even Microsoft Word is flashing warning signs at me. Great…now I have the computer AND Armona telling me that my grammar needs improvement.) Nevertheless, “the sun don't shine on the same dog's rump every day,” sounds better to me. Maybe I hit my head when I fell. 😊 😊 Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved January 12, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Have you ever had those times of nostalgia, days of reminiscing? Sometimes, I think too much of days gone by. Of course, of those days, I cannot change. I am today part of my decisions made yesterday, whether they were good or bad. So, my thought for today is this. What decisions would I change if I had life to live over again? I think ultimately the answer to that question, “what would I change,” revolves around two words, more or less. Hopefully, prayerfully, if I had to live life over again, I would make more good decisions and less bad decisions. Here's a list of the “less of” things I would change if I could. Wait a minute! I'm not about to tell you about my frailties, weaknesses, and poor decisions of the past. Like most people, I am more than willing to tell you of my good decisions that have made me into the great person I am. O.K…the word “great” might be an over exaggeration. Obviously, grandstanding is something I need less of and humility is something I need more of in my life. 😊 If everything boils down to two words, “more or less,” then I believe I can sum up what I would change in my past life rather succinctly. They are;
See what happens when you get up at 3:00 AM and think too much? On the other hand, did not Jesus arise early to pray and be with His Father? Try sleeping less and praying more. Zzzzzzz Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved January 5, 2025
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius I like numbers. When I was ten years old, I had to change from writing 1950 something to 1960 something. Every decade since then has been a change to get used to. I like writing numbers, except for the number 8. The older I get the more the number 8 begins to look like the number 6. This year I look forward to writing 2025. In three years, I will have to face the dreaded number 8, when I begin to write 2028. When it comes to the numbers in my bank account, I like for the decimal point to be as far to the right as possible. Maybe even as far as the $500 billion Elon Musk has at his disposal. Just so you know, 500 billion looks like this, 500,000,000,000. If he only makes 2% a year on his wealth, he earns over $27 million a day. Let me repeat that… $27 million a day. This man has more wealth than most countries in the world. He earns more money in one day than almost everyone earns in a lifetime. I dream of all the good I could do in my community and in the world if I had the wealth of Elon Musk. For sure, I could build a platform big enough, buy a microphone loud enough for people to hear me talk about Jesus. Of course, many people would come to me for all the wrong reasons. Many came to Jesus just to be healed, not necessarily to hear His salvation message. Here's the difference between Jesus and me, besides the fact that He is God, and I am not. Jesus could do miracles and deliver the salvation message. I can only tell you about Jesus and His love for you. So much love that He died on the cross for your sins and that, if you believe in Him, you will be saved. Rich as he might be, Elon Musk and I are so much alike. He is just a man. As a man, he puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like me. One day, like me, like you, he will stand before the Lord to face his final judgement. I pray that he is saved. I pray that you are saved. I know that I am saved. In Christ’s Love, Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved December 29, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Another year has raced by, and suddenly we stand at the cusp of a new year. How I still remember sitting at my grandma's pink polka dot kitchen table, eating one of her sugar cookies with a cup of tea, and asking her, no, maybe complaining, “Why does time take so long?” I remember well, her reply. “Just you wait. When you get a little older, time will go by a lot faster.” At that moment, I didn't appreciate the wisdom of her answer. Now that I'm older, I certainly do understand what she was telling me. Yes, as we get older time does seem to go by faster. But the fact of the matter is, time ticks by one minute at a time as it always has. I do have a theory about time, however. Most of us think of time as a horizontal continuum that the measure of time travels upon, one tick of the clock at a time. I see time, not as a horizontal continuum, but as a spiral, shaped like a funnel. Time still advances one tick of the clock at a time. But the closer time gets to the bottom of the narrowing funnel, the faster it travels. The measure of time still travels at the rate of one tick of the clock at a time, but because of the narrowing of the continuum upon which it travels, the faster it seems to go by. That's why as we get closer to the end of time, Bible prophecy seems to be happening in a more rapid succession. The speed of time has not changed, but the speed at which events are happening certainly has changed. There are a lot of events that must happen in the short amount of time that remains. As I look back, it was only yesterday that I was with grandma sitting at her pink polka dot table. As I look forward, it will be as if tomorrow, I stand with her in glory in the heavenly realm. I wonder if there are pink polka dot kitchen tables in heaven? There has to be sugar cookies. 😊 Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved December 22, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Christmas greetings to all my fans from around the world, near and far. It's been a busy, busy year once again here at the North Pole. Every year seems to get busier than the last, either that, or I'm getting older and slowing down. Mrs. Claus believes it to be the latter. At any rate, things are almost ready and in place for my annual race around the world. Though I might be slowing down, the guys on my team remain young, energetic, and are ready for our annual Christmas Eve trek. This year they've been on a high protein diet to lose weight and hopefully move faster with a little more agility than last year. Do you know that there are some naughties out there who shoot their missiles even at Santa’s sleigh? Where's the Christmas cheer in that? In fact, recently I received an application from a new reindeer by the name of Stealth. He promises to get me through areas of the world where missiles are flying when the only thing flying on Christmas Eve should be me with my sleigh. If you're wondering why I'm even contemplating taking on any new reindeer, it's because Dasher and Donner are asking about early retirement. Do they live in a fantasy world? But I think I'll be able to talk some sense into them once they find out that it’s always open season on unemployed reindeer. Besides, there is no hay stored away in a retirement plan for any on the team. But I need to tell you this little bit of history. I was there on the night Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Those fleet-footed shepherds beat me to the manger door by only a couple of hours . I heard the glorious voices of the angels as they sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” As I closed my eyes to visualize peace on earth, the shepherds made haste and ran to see baby Jesus. Truth of the matter is that while I had my eyes closed a deep peace did fall over me. I fell asleep. What is the moral of this story? Jesus is real. My reindeer and I are just a story. Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved December 15, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius I am reading a book, something I don't do enough of. The premise of the book is how to interject comedy and humor into my preaching. That alone should make you laugh. This book on humor tells me that as I preach, “I should be comfortable in my own skin.” Now let me ask you, …duh… “What other skin should I choose?” As I read, I am directed to invite you into my world. Wasn't the world made just for me? Now if God put you in my orbit, then you have a special meaning and purpose to me. In my way of thinking, you all are players God has placed into my world in which to evangelize. Wait a minute. If you are in my world, then I must be in your world. Each of us sees through different eyes the purpose for which God has placed others in our world. I pray that you see my purpose in your life as one to not necessarily bring humor into your life, but one who brings the gospel good news of Jesus Christ to you. Here is the problem with trying to be a comedian. People might not laugh at your jokes or your humor. After the punch line has been delivered, sometimes there is this awkward silence. That lack of response can mean only one thing. You are not that funny. As I turn the page in the book I'm reading, the next chapter is entitled Stop Trying to be Funny. Is that an omen? So, I just finished reading this book about being funny and introducing humor into my preaching and writing. This is what I learned_________________________! Now that's funny! Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved December 8, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius I've been thinking about the cars I've had over my lifetime. When I was in high school, the kind of car you drove, spoke to who you were. As for me, I really didn't have a car in high school, just the occasional use of the family vehicle, a 1954 green Chevrolet. In the language of the 1960’s, it was not a “cool” car. Not until I was ready to leave for college, did I purchase my first vehicle, a 1956 Oldsmobile. Again, not a “cool” car. But for $75, I wasn't looking for anything flashy, just a mode of transportation to give me a little independence. This monster of a car was built like a Sherman tank, took one full acre to make a U-turn, and when I stopped at the gas station, I always said, “Fill up the oil and check the gas.” Of course, being a clunker of a car had its advantages. When parallel parking, if someone parked too close in front and behind, just put the transmission in low and push the guy in front of you out of the way. Sure as the world, you can't do that today with plastic bumpers. Once I was engaged to Armona, that beater of a car that served me so well was traded in for a 1970 Chevelle. Suddenly, I had a vehicle that could accelerate from zero to 60, not in 60 seconds, but in six seconds. Now, this was a “cool” car. Then along came children and I had to succumb to being more practical in life. So, like all the soccer moms of today who drive a minivan, I drove a station wagon. By the way, if you have that old white station wagon and are wondering why the paint is all sticky around the windows, it’s because I sprayed mosquito repellent on the paint around the windows at the drive-in movie theater. I don't remember if my ingenuity kept the mosquitoes out, but I do remember the movie, Star Wars. Of course, there were other impractical cars along the way, a couple of convertibles, a Trans Am with a six speed on the floor and a Corvette engine. What have I learned about cars along the way? They are a means to get you where you need to go. The one thing they won't do for you is drive you to heaven. Looking out the window as life goes by. Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved December 1, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius I've always been fascinated by explorers who look for hidden treasure. I often imagine myself finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But like so many other adventure explorers, I think I’m close, and then suddenly, I'm not. Here's an example. Once upon a time, I made an investment in a manufacturing company. Often, Armona would ask, when thinking of that investment, “Has our ship come in yet?” This was my standard reply. “That ship is so far out in the horizon, I can’t tell if it's coming in or going out.” As a 7th and 8th grader, I remember reading about 16th century Spanish explorers in search of gold. But one man captured my attention more than the others. His name was Ponce de Leon. The treasure he sought after was not gold or treasure, but what he called, The Fountain of Youth. Now that guy had imagination! He chased after a dream. There needs to be more people like him. Although, I could have told him that had he followed Jesus, he would be forever young in heaven. Speaking of heaven, that is the one treasure worth more than gold and silver. Men seek after heaven. Unfortunately, some search with skepticism and doubt. Yuri Gregorian, the first Russian cosmonaut, while in space, is purported to have said this. “I looked and looked, but I did not see God.” He looked for the treasure of heaven, but did not see it. The Hubble telescope today peers into deep space. What does it see? It transmits to us beautiful pictures of our Galaxy. But alas, there has been no picture of heaven. John reports for us his sighting of heaven in Revelation 23:10. He describes it as, “... that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.” Astronauts and cosmonauts may not see heaven in space. The Hubble telescope may not capture a picture of heaven. But know this. Just because it cannot be seen, doesn't mean that it is not there. Could it be that some search in far off places, when in fact, heaven is as close as their own heart? I've stopped looking for the treasure of heaven. I already found it. Where was it? The answer is simple. Find Jesus and you have found heaven. Your favorite treasure hunter, Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved November 24, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius Sometimes I wish I could paint with words, ever so delicately, the pictures I see in my mind. Let me give it a try. I stand in a lush meadow, a valley of beautiful wildflowers with all the colors of the rainbow. This river of beauty flows through the valley, softly turning, even as a river makes a gentle bend. Not even Solomon, in all his glory, was adorned in such indescribable beauty. At the valley edge, mountains of grandeur arise as if to stand guard and protect that which they gaze down upon with each morning sunrise. My gaze is directed upward to the mountains. I see a wisp of clouds, ever so delicately, covering the peaks. Even within the mountains there are hidden treasures, a mountain stream, a lake with water, clear as crystal, a thousand diamonds dancing across the surface. A soft gentle breeze brings the fragrance of soft flowers and whispering pines. It is here, I want to spend my days. Suddenly, in the distance, in the prairie grass I see a black horse, a steed of beauty with its mane flowing in the wind. For days I follow closely behind this proud animal, each day a little closer. On the third day, as I draw close, and we gaze intently at each other, I slowly turn and walk away. The one who, up until now was leading me, now follows behind. I have won him over and gained his trust. A loyal friend for years to come. Here's another vision I will describe. In the narrow streets of an ancient town, in chains, and with scorn and spite I was being dragged. The crowd of devils that surround me, put an altar of death on my shoulder, upon which I will soon die. The shame, the pain, the fear of what is to come is beyond imagination. Suddenly, the procession stops. A man, they said his name was Jesus, steps forward, and with love in his voice, says to me, “Let Me endure the shame, bear the pain, be the sacrifice, experience the death to which you have been sentenced.” My shackles fell off, my pain was no more, the demonic crowd around now hisses at Him, not me. I watch what happens next. Now I cry. Sometimes what I see in my mind is not always sugar plums. Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved November 17, 2024
Reflections From the Heart of Allan Redenius Armona tells me that I know more useless information than anyone she knows. For instance, did you know that Europeans drive on the left side of the road because of the medieval sport, jousting? I know you're already thinking with some bewilderment, “huh?” Most people are right-handed. So too, it was with jousters. They held their lance in their right hand and as they charged toward each other, each jouster would be on the left side of the rail. Consequently, driving on the left side of the road in Europe is a part of their heritage from the sport of jousting. One day, while driving to Colorado, we turned south off the Interstate in the middle of Nebraska. I kind of wanted to take a nap while Armona was driving. She asked of me, “If you're sleeping, how will I know when to turn?” This was my reply, “Drive until you go up a steep hill and then down the hill. At the bottom there will be a stop sign. Then, just turn right.” As I was dozing, this is what I heard, “How in the world did he know that?” See what I mean about knowing a lot of useless information? I often tell people; I know a little bit about a whole lot of things. That kind of knowledge has served me well over the years. However, there is one thing I wish I knew more about. What is that? Wisdom and understanding of the word of God, the Holy Bible. Whenever I read and study my Bible it is as though, the more I know, the more I want to know. Retaining in my brain and putting what I read in the Bible in the well of my heart, has served me better than anything else I know. There is nothing that is useless or irrelevant about the holy words contained in the Bible. Trust me, what you read from the Bible is trustworthy and true. It will serve you well. Staying humble in the little bit of wisdom and knowledge I do have. Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved November 10, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius OK, I did it! I broke my own cardinal rule, the advice I give everyone. What is that rule? Always stay vertical! One of my cardio exercises is pickleball. Over time I've come to look forward to daily play for my exercise. Not that I'm an accomplished player, but I enjoy the competition and camaraderie with fellow players. Through pickleball I have met a whole new cadre of friends that were not in my orbit before I picked up a paddle. Each one now a precious friend. October 22, 2024, is a day that will live in infamy in my life. It was the day I sustained my first broken bone after 75 long years. As I was playing, I backed up to take a swing at the ball. That's another cardinal rule of mine that I must have momentarily forgotten. Never back up. Somehow, during the play, my feet got tangled up, and down I went, breaking my wrist and twisting my back. Ouch! So, what have I learned from this ordeal? What kind of advice can I give to you because of all of this? If you have cardinal rules to follow in your life for keeping you healthy, do not violate them! One moment of neglect is a second in time you wish you could have back. Let me give you three cardinal rules of life for you to follow. They are:
You may laugh at #3, but think about this. When you die and expect the elevator to carry you to heaven, do you not expect there to be a floor to step on to? If there is not, the fall only leads you to the abyss. Jesus is that assurance to carry you to heaven! Lovin’ Jesus, even though I’m boogered up a little, Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved November 3, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius In the musical, The Wizard of Oz, the yellow brick road led right to the doorstep of Oz. As I thought about that, as I travel life’s path, there are many roads. I wonder where they lead. For instance, I recently saw a sign for Red Lion Road. What do you suppose lays at its end? Certainly not a lion….😊 Sometimes, don’t you want to take a road, just to see where it ends up? Whenever I go on one of those adventures off the beaten path, the road usually turns from blacktop to gravel. Oh great! Now I need to listen to Armona tell me, as her Mom, ever so kindly, told her Dad one day when he got lost. “Well, now you’ve gone another fifty bull-headed miles out of the way.” I like roads with names instead of numbers. Numbers are so non-descript, so impersonal. Roads with names are so much more memorable. Here’s a for instance. In Ayrshire, Iowa, there was a sign that said, “Highway to Heaven,” certainly, a memorable name. The problem with that name was the people kept stealing the sign. Isn’t that an oxymoron? A thief steals a sign that says, “Highway to Heaven.” Seems to me that his actions just made that sign into false advertising. His theft isn’t going to lead him to Heaven at all. In Lake City, Iowa, believe it or not, there is a street sign with this name on it, “Al Redenius Street.” No, it’s not me for whom the street is named, but I do have a picture of it. There are other road names that cause me to wonder. Here’s one, Painters Road. I took a hard look down that road and didn’t see a one. Here is another, Happy Canyon Road. At times, I’m a grumpy old man. Maybe I should take that turn off to Happy Canyon Road. Maybe it will improve my disposition! But of all the roads, this is the one that is most important. The narrow path that leads to Jesus. If you’re not on it, don’t miss the turn. All other roads lead to nowhere…. Which road are you on? Love in Christ, Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved October 27, 2024
Reflections From the Heart of Allan Redenius There are people I’ve met in my now hometown of Fort Dodge, Iowa that have so impressed my life. Here are just a few: Walt Stevens—Editor of the Fort Dodge Messenger for so many years. Always objective, always insightful in his reporting of local news. On one occasion at a community event, he asked of me, “Look at all the grey hair here. Who is going to attend these events in ten or fifteen years?” Well Walt, I think I’ve found the answer. People who were once not grey, are grey now and attend these community events. Dr. Clarence Tompkins—A humble Methodist preacher who had a vision for a place where the elderly could retire and live out their days in dignity. Literally, pennies at a time, he raised money to see his dream come true. He once told me, after the first residential building was completed at Friendship Haven, no one lived there. The people of Fort Dodge thought he was crazy and soon would be broke. Do you know what that man of humility did? This is what he told me, “Though the building was empty, at night I turned on all the lights. That way as people drove by, they would think the place was full.” His strategy worked. Soon people were lined up to move in. Roger Natte—A well-known local historian of Fort Dodge, Iowa. He knew so much history about Fort Dodge, it made you proud to be a Dodger. I told him once, the high school should offer a Fort Dodge History Class. If young people knew the proud history of their hometown, fewer of them would want to leave Fort Dodge. I could go on with my list, Dr. Bill Ryan, H.C. Kirkberg, Herb Bennett, and others of local notoriety. Each one of them adding just a little to my appreciation of Fort Dodge, Iowa. When Nathaniel was told that Jesus’ hometown was Nazareth, he asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” We all know that Jesus changed the world. Can anything good come out of Fort Dodge? All you need to do is open your eyes. There are flowers blooming all around! Hoping to be one of them…. Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved October 20, 2024
Reflections from the Heart of Allan Redenius A conversation with God begins with dancing bears in my memory from long ago. Where did they come from? Where did they go? An era, when all was idyllic, all was well. A time when the mind could think such thoughts as the eye watched clouds casually float by. There they are! Dancing bears in the clouds up high! Do you see them? Look ever so quickly! Soon the wind will move them on. Ah…for a time of peaceful bliss, clouds in the sky, a gentle breeze, and I even imagine God’s whisper in my ear. “What are You saying Lord? …. Yes, we need this time together more often.” “But God, I’m so busy, and yet, YOU manage the whole universe. You do all that and still have time for me? Amazing. To think, I’m the one telling You, ‘I’m too busy to spend time with the Master of all things, seen and unseen. What’s wrong with me? Please don’t answer that.” “But it is as though I hear You say, ‘Nothing is wrong with you. You are My child, a child of God the Father.’ Oh Father, You truly are amazing in so many ways.” When I think of all my sins, like Isaiah 1:18 says, “…though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool,” I scarce can take that in. “I am so happy and so glad You are my loving Father. We need to have this alone time more often. I know, I know. Your schedule is always open. I’m the one that can’t seem to find the time.” “When I do come, will You again show me the dancing bears, provide the gentle breeze, and let me feel Your presence once again? I know You will. Thanks for this alone time together.” “Love You, Jesus…good talk!” Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved October 13, 2024
Reflections From the Heart of Allan Redenius Here’s a regret in my life. I wish I had made more friends throughout my life. Now that I’m getting older, some of my friends are beginning to die off. It’s a fact of life I’ve been grappling with. So, the fact of the matter is, either get new replacement friends, or live with fewer friends. Mankind is a social animal and being part of the species, I need friends. Don’t get me wrong. I cherish my alone time, when my brain is in full neutral with no noise of interruption to distract my enjoyment of nothingness. (Is that a word?) But occasionally, a friend is good to have around to kick you once in a while. Just to make certain you’re alive. Here’s how I roll. You’re my friend until you prove otherwise. Don’t lecture me about forgiveness. I’m the most forgiving person I know. But if the donkey kicks me the first time, it’s the donkey’s fault. If he kicks me the second time, it’s my fault. I learned that in the cow barn, when Dad was milking cows. I always gave those big girls a wide berth when walking behind them. There were two reasons for the grace of the wide berth. Number one, so you didn’t get kicked. Number two, well, let’s just say it’s not wise to stand behind any animal, besides the fear of getting kicked. 😊 How do you make friends? First of all, know their name. People like to hear their name in a sentence. “Well, George, it’s so good to meet you…” Ask about their family. People like to tell others about their family. Pretty soon, you’ve got a good conversation going. Try it. You just might make a new friend. Sometimes, I’m a little more direct. Maybe it’s the evangelist in me. “Hi. What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” “What do you do?” “Where do you go to church?” Don’t be a stranger, Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved October 6, 2024
Reflections From the Heart of Allan Redenius Things I learned around the barn:
I learned a lot of things around the barn. Most of which are no longer useful. But this one thing I am still very cautious about. Walking under cottonwood trees in the dark. You can’t see them, but the tigers are there. Yes-sir-ree, there’s a LOT to learn in the barn! Wasn’t Jesus born in a barn? Pastor Allan ©2024 Allan Redenius, All Rights Reserved |